Make your feature film, TV series, or video project look its best!

Experienced, award-winning post production, colour correction, VFX, and deliverables for feature films, TV series, and documentaries. Plus, Canada-wide certified aerial drone photography and award-winning video production for commercial, industrial, digital advertising, live sports, and web projects.

What's New At Java

360° Virtual Reality UAV Aerial Test Video

Topics:   Java Blog

Courtesy of our friends at Talking Dog Studios, here's the 360° virtual reality test video Java Post Aerial Photography took a few days ago. We hung six GoPro cameras from one of our UAVs (AKA "drones") to capture overlapping camera images, which Talking Dog Studios then stitched together into an immersive, 360° image. If you are watching this on a desktop, drag your computer…
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Java Post virtual reality test flight for Talking Dog Studios

Topics:   Java Blog

As you've read in previous news posts, Java Post Aerial Photography is working on some aerial camera tests for our friends at Talking Dog Studios, who are specialists in augmented reality, virtual reality, and interactive 3D visuals. In preparation for some test flying, Java Post's UAV technician and camera operator, Trevor Bennett, replaced our UAV's usual 3-axis stabilized gimbal and…
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Virtually mounting some virtual reality cameras onto our virtual UAV. Really.

Topics:   Java Blog

Java Post Aerial Photography is working on some aerial camera tests for our friends at Talking Dog Studios, who are specialists in augmented reality, virtual reality, and interactive 3D visuals. In preparation for some test flying, Java Post's UAV technician and camera operator, Trevor Bennett, was tasked with replacing our UAV's usual 3-axis stabilized gimbal and camera package with a…
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A quick aerial "dronie" while scouting locations for SGI.

Topics:   Java Blog

Our Java Post Aerial Photography crew has been driving the rural roads near Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, doing a location scout for Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) commercial project on behalf of Phoenix Group advertising. While bringing our DJI Inspire UAV in for a landing, our crew grabbed a quick "dronie" (that's a selfie taken with a drone). From left to right: Jack…
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Fog, Fly-Pasts, and Dronies with Java Post Aerial Photography

Topics:   Java Blog

A recent real estate aerial shoot for Hungerford Properties got off to a foggy start for our Java Post Aerial Photography crew. Watch the video above to go behind the scenes. Thick fog is pretty unusual for this shooting location and the forecast, naturally, mentioned nothing. But we thought we'd try to get at least some shooting done. As you can see in the images above and below, the fog…
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Testing a 6-GoPro aerial rig for Talking Dog Studios.

Topics:   Java Blog

Why hang one camera from your UAV, when you could hang six? Our friends at Talking Dog Studios are big into virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive 3D. They approached our Java Post Aerial Photography crew about taking one of their virtual reality camera rigs into the sky. Talk about a bird's eye view! If a bird had six eyes, that is. So our UAV technician, Trevor, made up a…
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Creating a 3D animated smile for "Doowett."

Topics:   Java Blog

In this short behind-the-scenes iPhone video, we see Java Post Production animator Tomás Ibar working on a 3D element for the Rogers/CityTV children's program Doowett. Created by Regina, Saskatchewan's own Adrian Dean (the brother of horror/comedy WOLFCOP director Lowell Dean - how's THAT for creative diversity within a family?), Doowett is a preschool animated series about…
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Vintage Photography Camera Cravings in Bangkok.

Topics:   Java Blog

Whether it be stills, film, or video, if you're a fan of vintage photography gear and you happen to find yourself in Bangkok, Thailand one day with nothing to do, here's a tip from one of our Java Post Production staffers who was recently there: Get thee hence to the the BMK Mall in downtown Bangkok. Specially, the 5th floor. There, you'll find a plethora of photography stores selling…
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First Flight of our new FreeFly ALTA.

Topics:   Java Blog

Recently, our Java Post Aerial Photography pilots, Jack and Trevor, found time to slip out to our private aerial test facilities and run our new Freefly ALTA UAV through its paces. For these initial flight tests, we left the camera off our Gremsy gStabi H-16 3-axis camera gimbal, and instead installed weights to simulate the camera payload. "We're walking before we run," says primary…
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Java Post Aerial Photography makes the U. of R. Degrees Magazine.

Topics:   Java Blog

Well, perhaps it's not as impressive as receiving a PhD, but we didn't have to study as much to receive this "degree" from the University of Regina. An image taken by one of our Java Post Aerial Photography UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) was featured as a two page photo in the recent Fall/Winter edition of Degrees, the alumni magazine published by the University of Regina. This…
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Happy New Year from Java Post!

Topics:   Java Blog

Happy New Year from everyone at Java Post Production and Java Post Aerial Photography! May you have a healthy and prosperous 2016! We look forward to working with you to make your projects look amazing!
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It's a warm, green Christmas in Tucson for our boss. And his friend is no good.

Topics:   Java Blog

Our sun-seeking leader, "Java Jack" Tunnicliffe, is spending his winter vacation in the warm, green environs of Tucson, Arizona. In this travelogue video shot on his iPhone 6S, Jack points out that Tucson is famous for two things: singer Linda Ronstadt...and, to a somewhat lesser-known extent, Jack's good buddy, Brent Kowalchuk. And Brent, it turns out, is no good, no good, no…
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Have a knock-out Boxing Day!

Topics:   Java Blog

Everyone here at Java Post Production and Java Post Aerial Photography hopes you have a knock-out Boxing Day! Enjoy the crazy sales in the stores and the leftover turkey! Hopefully, you're not enjoying crazy sales of leftover turkey in the stores. That would be weird. And likely violate food safety regulations.
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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from Java Post!

Topics:   Java Blog

As the businesses say on those cheesy-but-loveable local Christmas time TV ads: "From the management and staff at Java Post Production and Java Post Aerial Photography, we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday, and a very healthy and prosperous New Year!" Hmm...what other local advertising clichés are we missing? Oh yes! "For a great selection and fast and…
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Ground test of Java Post's newest Aerial Photography UAV: the Freefly ALTA

Topics:   Java Blog

Before Java Post Aerial Photography launches our latest UAV - the Freefly ALTA - into the skies, our UAV technician, Trevor Bennett, has to put the unit through its paces on the ground. As any experienced UAV operator will tell you, a lot more time is spent on the shop bench doing maintenance (both pre and post-flight) than is ever spent in the air. That's a very important part of safe and…
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