Make your feature film, TV series, or video project look its best!

Experienced, award-winning post production, colour correction, VFX, and deliverables for feature films, TV series, and documentaries. Plus, Canada-wide certified aerial drone photography and award-winning video production for commercial, industrial, digital advertising, live sports, and web projects.

What's New At Java

Vintage Photography Camera Cravings in Bangkok.

Topics:   Java Blog

Whether it be stills, film, or video, if you're a fan of vintage photography gear and you happen to find yourself in Bangkok, Thailand one day with nothing to do, here's a tip from one of our Java Post Production staffers who was recently there:

Get thee hence to the the BMK Mall in downtown Bangkok. Specially, the 5th floor. There, you'll find a plethora of photography stores selling not only the latest, greatest, top-of-the-line gear...but also offering blast-from-the-past vintage pieces, such as those shown in the photos below.

Camera bodies, lenses (from macro to massive), video units in vintage tape formats, 8mm film cameras...why, it's enough to make a photo buff giddy. And enough to make your wallet empty.

Happy shopping!

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