Make your feature film, TV series, or video project look its best!

Experienced, award-winning post production, colour correction, VFX, and deliverables for feature films, TV series, and documentaries. Plus, Canada-wide certified aerial drone photography and award-winning video production for commercial, industrial, digital advertising, live sports, and web projects.

What's New At Java

Fog, Fly-Pasts, and Dronies with Java Post Aerial Photography

Topics:   Java Blog

A recent real estate aerial shoot for Hungerford Properties got off to a foggy start for our Java Post Aerial Photography crew. Watch the video above to go behind the scenes. Thick fog is pretty unusual for this shooting location and the forecast, naturally, mentioned nothing. But we thought we'd try to get at least some shooting done. As you can see in the images above and below, the fog…
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Testing a 6-GoPro aerial rig for Talking Dog Studios.

Topics:   Java Blog

Why hang one camera from your UAV, when you could hang six? Our friends at Talking Dog Studios are big into virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive 3D. They approached our Java Post Aerial Photography crew about taking one of their virtual reality camera rigs into the sky. Talk about a bird's eye view! If a bird had six eyes, that is. So our UAV technician, Trevor, made up a…
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For one day each year, the best film school in North America is at the Yorkton Film Festival.

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For one day each year, the best film school in North America is in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. Some of Canada's most experienced directors, cinematographers and editors attend the Yorkton Film Festival. They lead small groups of high school students through one intensive, hands-on day of learning. It's a fun and challenging day for students to learn the magic of film making. Find out…
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Creating a 3D animated smile for "Doowett."

Topics:   Java Blog

In this short behind-the-scenes iPhone video, we see Java Post Production animator Tomás Ibar working on a 3D element for the Rogers/CityTV children's program Doowett. Created by Regina, Saskatchewan's own Adrian Dean (the brother of horror/comedy WOLFCOP director Lowell Dean - how's THAT for creative diversity within a family?), Doowett is a preschool animated series about…
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Happy Valentine's Day from Java Post!


From all of the passionate post-production people at Java Post, here's hoping you have a very vivacious Valentine's Day! For a little romantic mood enhancer, CLICK HERE.
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Gettin' some Valentine's cookie lovin' at Java Post.


With Valentine's Day happening this Sunday, the Java Post office is gettin' in the mood with a little tummy lovin' all thanks to these deliciously decorated Valentine's cookies, home-made by our very own Maureen Bennett. attractive and sweet...once you have one, you want even more...why, these cookies are just like the people at Java Post!  :)
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Vintage Photography Camera Cravings in Bangkok.

Topics:   Java Blog

Whether it be stills, film, or video, if you're a fan of vintage photography gear and you happen to find yourself in Bangkok, Thailand one day with nothing to do, here's a tip from one of our Java Post Production staffers who was recently there: Get thee hence to the the BMK Mall in downtown Bangkok. Specially, the 5th floor. There, you'll find a plethora of photography stores selling…
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First Flight of our new FreeFly ALTA.

Topics:   Java Blog

Recently, our Java Post Aerial Photography pilots, Jack and Trevor, found time to slip out to our private aerial test facilities and run our new Freefly ALTA UAV through its paces. For these initial flight tests, we left the camera off our Gremsy gStabi H-16 3-axis camera gimbal, and instead installed weights to simulate the camera payload. "We're walking before we run," says primary…
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How Motion Pictures became the Movies - 13 years that changed World Cinema.

Topics:   Articles & links

Cinephiles, film students, fans of motion pictures, and history buffs will enjoy this very in-depth look at the 13 years that changed world cinema. David Bordwell of the University of Wisconsin-Madison delves deeply into the time period between 1908 and 1920, when motion pictures became "the movies," and how techniques and approaches developed during those years still resonate in the…
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Through the looking glass: The History and Science of Camera Lenses

Topics:   Articles & links

 "F-Stop! In the name of love!" (That was the alternate parody title for this post, but we weren't sure how many people would get the reference to the Supremes' song.) Without lenses, cameras are expensive paperweights filled with film or digital sensors. Lenses bring the world into focus. So let's stare down the barrel and join as they zoom in on the…
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Getting blood from a stone. Or an actor. The history of fake blood in the movies.

Topics:   Articles & links

We've heard it said that there is too much blood in movies today. Well, that's not a modern phenomenon. Blood has long been a part of theatrical and cinematic presentations. In this video by, you'll learn the cinematic history of fake blood. Recipes included!  
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Go Big or Go Home: The History of CinemaScope.

Topics:   Articles & links

Described at the time as "the modern miracle you see without glasses," CinemaScope was an epic-sized film format made for epic-sized productions. In this video, David Bordwell of the University of Wisconsin-Madison takes an interesting and in-depth look at the history of the CinemaScope movie experience, how the technology of this extremely wide-screen format affected the creative…
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Java Post Aerial Photography makes the U. of R. Degrees Magazine.

Topics:   Java Blog

Well, perhaps it's not as impressive as receiving a PhD, but we didn't have to study as much to receive this "degree" from the University of Regina. An image taken by one of our Java Post Aerial Photography UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) was featured as a two page photo in the recent Fall/Winter edition of Degrees, the alumni magazine published by the University of Regina. This…
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Whirrrrrr! Zip! Bleep! It's the Sounds of Star Wars!

Topics:   Articles & links

So, there's this little sci-fi genre film out right now that seems to be getting some buzz, called Star...something. Anyway, we hear it's pretty popular. We also hear it has some pretty cool sounds, created by the multiple Academy Award winning sound designer Ben Burtt. This video, compiled by Rishi Kaneria, celebrates the sounds that, since 1977, have become part of our collective…
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Happy New Year from Java Post!

Topics:   Java Blog

Happy New Year from everyone at Java Post Production and Java Post Aerial Photography! May you have a healthy and prosperous 2016! We look forward to working with you to make your projects look amazing!
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