Talking UAV photography with Transport Canada & NAV Canada
Topics: Java Blog
Earlier today, we were very pleased to meet with some representatives from Transport Canada and NAV Canada at the Java Post Production offices.
They were in town attending the Wings of Saskatchewan Conference & Trade Show, an annual, province-wide event organized by the Saskatchewan Aviation Council which brings together all areas of the aviation industry: commercial carriers, agricultural aviation, private operators and government agencies - all facets of aviation within the province and beyond.
After a tour of our offices, we gathered around the Java Post logo boardroom table and shared ideas and information about the challenges of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) photography - both from the production side and from the transport safety, policy and procedure side. It was a great, wide-ranging conversation and we learned a lot from each other.
As more and more adverting agencies, film/television producers and corporate/industrial clients see what can be accomplished when aerial photography tools such as our "Javacopter" are used by skilled, professional production people, there will be more and more UAVs in the air - and a far greater need for safety planning and oversight by regulatory bodies such as Transport Canada and NAV Canada.
UAVs are a relatively new area of aviation that is really starting to (pardon the pun) take off. We're looking forward to working with Transport Canada and NAV Canada to help develop best practises and procedures which will allow production companies like Java Post Production to continue getting amazing aerial shots for our clients, efficiently and safely, for years to come.
Thanks so much to everyone from Transport Canada and NAV Canada who came over for a coffee and a chat this morning. It was much appreciated, guys, and feel free to land over here anytime.