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Java Staff Immortalized On Canvas.

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There's an old saying that goes "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like." And the staff at Java Post Production likes this art. Probably because we're in it!

As going-away gifts for our long-time receptionist, Crystal de la Sablonniére (below left), Java Post animators Kevin Drysdale and Tomás Ibar created amazing original portrait collections of the Java Post staff. At the time of Crystal's actual goodbye party, the artworks weren't complete, so Crystal received a hastily-sketched temporary drawing, to be replaced when the final drawings were done. Well, now they are.

Left to right, here are the talented Java Post artists, Tomás and Kevin, posing with their creations. These images are probably how our crew would look if we were in a whacky cartoon show...and there are certainly days around the office when "whacky cartoon show" would be an understatement.

Here's a closeup of Tomás' piece, giving the Java Post "Class of 2014" an aged parchment, sort of Leonardo da Vinci sketch look. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without the trademark Java Post coffee cup mark in the upper right corner; an artistic touch that I bet Leonardo would have never thought to add.

And here is Kevin's completed and colourful artwork, posing our staff around a delicious cup of Java Post coffee. You'll notice that the cartoon version of Kevin is actually swimming in the coffee and isn't wearing a shirt. If you wish, you can assume that he's wearing cartoon swimming trunks. Or not. They say good art is always controversial.

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