Java Post and MGM Communications help SaskTel treat their VIP customers!
Topics: Java Blog
Java Post Production teamed up with director Stephen Hall and the creative team at MGM Communications to help SaskTel roll our their "VIP85" plan. As you'll see in the finished commercial above, this single-shot production has a LOT of moving parts, and it took more than a few takes to get it just right. Not to mention a lot of sweeping up and resetting between takes. But, when you're giving someone the VIP treatment, you that's just what you do.
Client: SaskTel
Production Company: Java Post Production
Agency: MGM Communications
Producers: Randy Shumay, Crystal Van Pelt
Director: Stephen Hall
DOP: Mark Dobrescu
Editor: Doug Russell
Colourist: Jack Tunnicliffe
Motion GFX: Tomás Ibar
Audio: Jared Robinson - Nebulus Entertainment