Dronies and Selfies and Feet, Oh My!
Topics: Java Blog
Okay, we all know what a "selfie" is...and the UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle AKA drone) version of a selfie is a "dronie." However, judging from these outtake images captured Wednesday during our real estate project shoot for Harry Sheppard of Sheppardrealty.ca, we haven't quite got the hang of the whole selfie/dronie thing.
However, it does appear we have a real knack for shooting feet.
Here's dronie number one. At least this one has our client, Harry, making a cameo in the middle of the frame.
Here's dronie number two. Showing a bit more leg here.
And, with dronie number three, we've pretty much gone completely "opening sequence of Monty Python's Flying Circus - the rural version." Somebody give that man a pedicure.
We finally managed to get an outtake dronie that showed more than just feet and legs. It's a hollow victory, but a victory nonetheless. Baby steps.
On the selfie side of things, can you really call it a selfie when you didn't mean to take it? Mirrors are such tricky things, with their pesky reflections and all.
And you'd think after the first time, we'd figure out the problem. But nooooo....
All outtake dronies and selfies aside, we do know how to take nice images. Here's a nice shot of our client, Harry Sheppard, of Sheppardrealty.ca. The man knows real estate. So much so that he brings his own shovel to inspect the soil in farm fields. As the old joke goes, Harry's a man out standing in his field.