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Behind the scenes with Java Post and SaskTel - Part 3

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Working with Phoenix Group, Java Post Production and director Stephen Hall recently produced a new commercial for SaskTel, entitled "So Good Together."

Here is the third and final post giving you a little behind-the-scenes look at the day-long shoot.

For the sixth of the seven scenes we have to complete, the crew moves to the dining room. Susan Auer Adderly and Raj Padmanabh, our two actors, sit at the dining room table. Art Department Head Geoff Park holds some artwork against the wall so that Director Stephen Hall and Director of Photography (DP) Adam Burwell take a look through the camera monitor.

Java Post Production Producer Randy Shumay takes a look through the camera.

Here is a closer look at our camera, a RED V-Raptor 8K, matched with a set of Canon CN-E Cinema Prime lenses. We're quite pleased with the image quality and flexibility these high-end production tools give us. 

Here is how our actors look through the lens.

Watching the shot, Geoff indicates a place where we could add some more artwork, but it was decided to leave that wall bare.

While our dining room scene gets ready to roll, there's more action taking place in the background. Art Department Assistant Dan Crozier (left) preps various kinds of food for out next shot, which will take place at the kitchen counter.

Dan is like a sous chef, getting all the ingredients prepared for when the chefs (our actors) arrive.

There's a lot of food to prep for the next scene, and only some of which will be noticed in the final shot. However, it's necessary to give the scene a realistic look.

Director Stephen takes a last look that everything is ready to go before rolling camera.

Left to right, Stephen, DP Adam, Sound Operator Kyle Parkinson, and First Camera Assistant Joel Tabak record the scene.

And this is what the final shot will look like.

We turn the camera to face the kitchen and get things ready to go. Dan has all the food just about ready to go.

Bringing our actors Jodan and Micah Lynnes onto the set, we notice that the existing counter lights hang down too low, blocking our actors' faces. So, those lights will have to be raised up.

Stephen (right) makes some adjustments to a window blind and then we'll be ready to record the first take.

From a nearby room, SaskTel and Phoenix Group representatives look on.

Roll camera!

Between takes, Stephen asks the actors to make a few small changes to their motions.

Java Post Production Camera Assistant Kristine Dowler "marks" or "slates" the scene for easier identification in the edit suite.


To see part one of this three-part behind-the-scenes series, CLICK HERE.

To see part two, CLICK HERE.


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