Amazing technology! Changing camera position in post with "freeD."
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This is pretty amazing technology. A company called Replay Technologies has developed something they call "freeD" - Free Dimensional Video. In brief, they are able to move a virtual camera around a set or a sports arena and view the actors or athletes from any angle. The video above shows the technology being used at at tennis tournament.
Currently, when the virtual freeD camera moves to a different position, the image is still - such as what you have seen before in movies like "The Matrix." However, the potential is there for this technology to eventually work with full motion video.
How does it work? Here's how the company explains it:
"Up until now, video, broadcasting, and film has consisted of cameras capturing two-dimensional image data, which is essentially a squence of changing flat 'pixels' that represent reality. These images are then processed by either post-production facilities or by ever-growing consumer applications, and end up transmitted and shared digitally.
Our technology works by capturing reality not just as a two-dimensional representation, but as a true three-dimensional scene, comprised of three-dimensional 'pixels' that faithfully represent the fine details of the scene. This information is stored as a freeD database, which can then be tapped to produce (render) any desired viewing angle from the detailed information.
This enables a far superior way of capturing reality, which allows breaking free from the constraints of where a physical camera with a particular lens has been placed, allowing a freedome of viewing which has endless possibilities.
freeD allows producers and directors to create 'impossible' camera views of a given moment in time as seen in Yankee Baseball YES View, a tremendous freeD innovation. As display technologies get better and more advanced, freeD will allow the user to get fully and interactively immersed in the content."
Check out the video. It's just plain cool and could be changing the way we view live sports and other events in the future.